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Why you end up in choosing the most touristic places?

You would like to travel somewhere but have no idea where to go. You don’t have time to research a lot and you decide to book the first on-line offer to travel to India. But what are your expectations? What do you know about this country? Maybe you just know about Taj Mahal, you know they eat a lot of curry and that it’s one of the most crowded country in the world.

FIRST SCENARIO: You have little knowledge and you decide to book your trip through a travel agency doing a standard tour.

You will end up in a very big international hotel, you will maybe share your transport with other tourists, your guide will just take you to the main sights and you will have a basic meal. Why would you want to spend your money on basic and poor service?

SECOND SCENARIO: You contact me! You will for sure visit the main sights but on top you will enjoy a cozy stay in a local hotel, you will have a fully flexible private professional guide who will explain to you local life, who will show you the best hidden spots to take pictures and who would take you to sample the best specialties in a local but safe place.

You will also discover some more hidden attractions, maybe you will stop for an Indian Chai in a tea house or you will meet some relatives of the guide who will invite you to join them for a meal. If I would have the pleasure to plan your trip, you will be sure that you will experience a country in a different way, like no other tourist can do.

I will have to get to know you to understand your expectations, your interests, your fears, your personality, and I will be like a tailor, I will sew your trip based on your needs. You won’t be a tourist but a traveler.